Barefoot, Minimal and Transitional Shoes 2022 • The List


The definitive list of all the barefoot and minimal shoes that can be bought or shipped to the UK.
I was really impressed by the level of diversity and choice out there and was pleased to see so many handmade shoe companies adding the option of choosing Vibram soles, making it easier than ever to find the perfect style that suits you.
Being a responsible, ethical and smart ‘consumer’ isn’t always easy, so I added the vague category of ‘Sustainability Focus’ to those companies who specifically mention how they source local, renewable and sustainable materials or monitor supply chain and working practices to ensure staff are fairly paid and have good working conditions.
Shipping is a significant cost to add on to buying shoes; if a company is USA-based it may ship internationally at a higher cost but there may also be re-sellers in the UK.
If I’ve missed any of your favourites out or if there’s UK resellers I haven’t mentioned, pop me an email or comment below and I’ll update the list.

- F


The list


Any suggestions or broken links?