Some Ideas On How To Pass The Time In Isolation


People all around the world are coming up with creative ways to connect, entertain and educate and I want to share some of them with you so here’s a round-up of some events happening this week:

  • Boston Symphony Orchestra musicians will be producing their own videos on the 'BSO at Home' platform on its website. They will share anecdotes and insights, giving informal performances while they stay at home during the pandemic.

  • Blood Milk Women are offering free mindfulness practices to help you ground into the present moment, breathe, and find moments of peace and calm amidst the chaos.

  • TikTok is hosting a five-day music and entertainment live-streaming series

  • DJ D-Nice played a 10 hour set titled #ClubQuarantine. Check out his Instagram page for details of more events.

  • The Metropolitan Opera is streaming free performances every day.

  • 12 Museums are offering virtual tours.