Study Reveals The Mechanics of ‘Steering Wheel’ Joint For The First Time

The subtalar joint is sometimes thought of as the 'steering wheel' of the body
It’s the first time the joint has been imaged while rotating in a standing position. Doctors can't currently replace your subtalar joint in the same way they can your hip and the researchers hope it might lead to more tailored treatments for ankle problems, like the personalised ones currently prescribed for issues with hips and knees.

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Not All Squats Are Equal

The 2010’s brought functional and natural movement into the mainstream thanks to people like Ido Portal, Katy Bowman and Gray Cook and the good old-fashioned squat made a comeback. The Paleo and Rewilding movements found a home on Instagram and squatting, like so many things in modern life, has become another way to virtue signal.
Here’s my current AiM inspired thoughts.

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