Posts tagged food
Will Labelling Foods With The Amount Of Physical Activity Needed To Burn Off Calories Work?

The Royal Society for Public Health has called for the introduction of ‘activity equivalent’ calorie labelling and have suggested packaging containing information on how much physical activity it takes to burn off the calories. Many of the public health interventions are focused on the individual taking full responsibility for their health, however it must be noted that the environment around us has a huge impact on the decisions we make.

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Healthwashing harnesses dubious claims such as ‘natural’ or ‘clean’ and turns them into extremely powerful marketing terms, selling you a lifestyle or a vision of who you could be if you bought their products. The words chosen are deliberately misleading and even meaningless, used because they are unregulated - it’s worth remembering that the front of a product’s packaging is pure marketing only.

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Mens sana in corpore sano | A Healthy Mind In A Healthy Body

Can we stay as sharp as a pin mentally if we never go outside, move around and keep our body in good shape? Likewise, if we focus entirely on what we look like, to the detriment of cultivating our mind, are we in balance? Movement is a key factor to maintain both the mind and body in a healthy state.

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Healthism | The New ‘Ism’ On The Block

In age of ever-growing discontent, the ‘isms’ and ‘phobics’ lists keep growing and it’s becoming fashionable to acknowledge your personal privilege every chance you get. For those of us who don’t spend all day online, the current cultural revolution is tedious, constantly shifting and difficult to keep up with; however there’s a new privilege on the horizon, and one that will affect those of us currently untouched by the raging gender and race wars.

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Weekly Meal Plan #2 + Printable Shopping List

Here in the UK we are entering week 2 of ‘self-isolation’. The fight-or-flight adrenaline rushes are now subsiding and we are facing the freeze. You may feel this as a lack of energy, lack of motivation and wanting to sleep a lot.

I’ve made another shopping list for the week; again it’s comfort food heavy because that’s what I’ve been wanting. And I have eaten cake for breakfast more than once this week.

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Dinner is Served (On The Floor)

When I was 18, I had a friend who was a lot older than me and when I visited her the only furniture in the house was a rocking chair (reserved for her partner) and a futon mattress that was used as her sofa. It never occurred to me to ask her why she’d chosen this living arrangement; I guess I chalked it up to her being ‘alternative’. Fast-forward a good many years later and here I am, in my own furniture-less abode.

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