Mens sana in corpore sano | A Healthy Mind In A Healthy Body

Can we stay as sharp as a pin mentally if we never go outside, move around and keep our body in good shape? Likewise, if we focus entirely on what we look like, to the detriment of cultivating our mind, are we in balance? Movement is a key factor to maintain both the mind and body in a healthy state.

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You Don't Know What You Don't Know | The 4 States of Competence

There are various stages of learning we go through in order to acquire new skills - we all start at the very beginning and over time, develop the skills and techniques needed. This model is a guide through the learning process, highlighting why obstacles exist and what the best ways to overcome challenges are each stage of the way.

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Why It’s Hard To Go Against The Grain

I am delusional and gripped by mass hysteria.
This is a sentence no-one is likely to think about themselves; madness resides in others and not ourselves. As humans we have a terrifying capacity to justify ourselves and dig in deeper when our beliefs are questioned.
What are the factors behind this that compel us to follow others and are there consequences to our health if we stand out from the crowd?

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Is it time to classify ageing as a disease?

We have grown to expect medicalised solutions to ageing be they through pills, surgery or new scientific breakthroughs which promise to confer health, longevity or even eliminate death altogether. Aubrey de Grey, cofounder of the SENS Research Foundation, proclaims the first human being to live to the age of 1,000 has already been born. If ageing is seen as a disease, it reframes it into a treatable condition, facilitating therapeutic interventions and preventative strategies.

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Physical Activity & Exercise: Same Same, But Different

We’ve come to use ‘exercise’ and ‘physical activity’ interchangeably but they aren't the same thing and, if you read the small print whenever the Government or the NHS is imploring you to get fit, rarely do they mention exercise alone; they often say you need more physical activity. This distinction is really important to grasp; the guidelines aren’t prescribing exercise; they’re saying you need to move your body more.

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Healthism | The New ‘Ism’ On The Block

In age of ever-growing discontent, the ‘isms’ and ‘phobics’ lists keep growing and it’s becoming fashionable to acknowledge your personal privilege every chance you get. For those of us who don’t spend all day online, the current cultural revolution is tedious, constantly shifting and difficult to keep up with; however there’s a new privilege on the horizon, and one that will affect those of us currently untouched by the raging gender and race wars.

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How old would you be if you didn't know how old you were?

Fauja Singh started running at 84, ran his first marathon aged 89 and retired from competitive running after taking part in the Hong Kong marathon in 2013, five weeks shy of his 102nd birthday.
There are many others like him, so take a look at ten people who are proving that age isn't keeping them from continuing to do what they love and remain active before shuffling off this mortal coil.

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